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What is the difference between licensed
daycare centers and corporate-run daycare centers?


What is a licensed nursery school ?
This refers to a nursery school approved by the city.
To enroll, please apply at the city hall.
Admission decisions are made by the city hall.

What is a corporate-run nursery school ?
This refers to nursery schools under the jurisdiction
of the Cabinet Office.
There is no need to apply to the city hall
The admission decision is also made by the nursery school.
What are the number of childcare workers and safety
and hygiene standards?

You can receive childcare services equivalent
to those offered at licensed daycare centers.



Who can use a corporate-run nursery school?


For General Admission:
→ Parents/guardians who are employed.
→ Those who have a valid reason for requiring childcare.

For Corporate Admission:
→ Employees of businesses that have signed a

collaborative corporate usage agreement with our daycare.
 (These are businesses that contribute to the

child-rearing support fund.)
 ※ Part-time employees not enrolled

in social insurance are also eligible.
 ※ Even if your workplace has not signed a collaborative

corporate usage agreement at the time of application,

you can still apply for corporate admission.
 We will assist your employer in establishing

a collaborative corporate usage agreement after admission.




When can I apply for admission?

Many families apply during the
prenatal period of pregnancy.
For April enrollment, spots tend to fill up
around January, so we highly recommend
applying as early as possible.




We hope to inform you of the selection results before
it is decided whether or not your child will be
accepted into an approved nursery school.
The number of available positions may change
depending on the year, and the period in which the
selection results can be announced may also change,
so we will provide you with more details when you
come to visit.


When will I know the results of the selection?




Once you bring a towel blanket to the daycare,
we will handle the washing every week at the facility,
so there is no need to take it home.
As for diapers, they are collected daily by an industrial
waste disposal service, so there is generally
no need to take them home either.
In cases of loose stools or other health concerns,
we can keep the diapers for parental confirmation
if needed.
We will respond according to your child's condition,
so please rest assured.

Can I take home towels and used diapers?



My baby is drinking milk. Should I bring a feeding bottle with me every day?


There are no need to bring baby bottles
as they will be provided by the nursery.
The milk used is "Haihai".
All bottles used are sterilized after each use.



There is a nurse on-site at our facility.
To support working parents,
We are flexible in our response.
If your child becomes unwell during daycare,
A nurse will provide individual support until the parent/guardian comes to pick up the child.
Basically, we ask that you refrain from using the nursery if your child's temperature is 37.5℃ or higher before coming to the nursery.
Since normal body temperatures vary from child to child, it is difficult to set a general standard.
We will respond individually each time.

Can I come to school if I'm feeling unwell?




For places that accept children from the age of 3, we will provide support by informing you of vacancies at nearby kindergartens and nursery schools.

Is there daycare for children aged 3 and over?

If you have any other concerns,
Please feel free to contact us during your visit or via LINE.

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